Saturday, May 21, 2016

Cycling in Pune

Hello friends,

As you are aware by my previous story that I live in Gurgaon and ride in Delhi NCR. This time I will share my ride story in a different city.

This city is one of my favorite city in India.  Basically this is a city of Maharastra, known as Pensioner’s Paradise but now it has been grown as a vibrant metro. It is a hub for education, industry and IT. Apart from this, this place is also known for natural beauty and beautiful weather.

Hope you guys would have guess about the place. Yes, you are right I am talking about PUNE.

I came Pune on a business trip for 5 days, my trip was designed very hectic. I had to visit some places and complete assigned task. While packing my luggage I putted my cycling stuff also in my bag. I kept cycling tights, T-shirt, goggles and sport shoes. I was not certain where I will get cycle or not for ride but I want to ride in Pune. I think this city invites cyclist by its weather and road condition.

I reached Pune on Monday, My stay was arranged in a hotel in Viman nagar. Day was very hectic and did not find time to check cycle availability on rent, next day on Tuesday evening while return from office I tried to find cycle stores in Pune who provide cycles on rent. I got so many stores but was not aware that how far it is from my location. I called on few numbers which I got on google but discussion could not get execute.

Then, I found “Cymour”, checked address on their website, cycle store address was in “Kalyani Nagar”, Called on their contact no.  02060603333 and I was surprised by their response. They offered me to provide cycle on my location and not even that, they were ready to pick it also from my location without any extra cost. Cycle rent charge was Rs.350/day, Rs.2000 security deposit and need to handover one government ID, which they return at the time of cycle return.

This was really a very happy moment for me that I don’t have to worry about picking and drop. I told to bring them in the evening and person arrived on time without any follow up. He brought a Schnell cycle, which was in very good condition, he also gave me Helmet for safe ride.

My hotel staffs were looking very surprise, as Utsav (Cymour person) brought it on car. Card had a cycle carrier and cycle was hanging behind the card. Security person asked me about the cost and all. They were looking very supportive.

Although, it was around 8:00pm but I could not stop myself to ride, traffic was all around and I was also not knowing nearby places but I started cycling, as I paddle 500meter I found a mall few meter ahead there was a red light and I could not find place to move. So I picked my cycle and kept it close to mall premise, waited for traffic clearance. To utilize this time I clicked some pictures.

I started again and I took left by seeing less traffic on the road, I moved in all those direction where I found less traffic. I was moving very slowly as I was enjoying my ride and keeping safe from passing by vehicles. I paddled around 3 km and returned to hotel.

I went in the parking to park and then I realize that there is no cycle lock available. I called Utsav for the same and he told me that Cymour don’t provide lock with cycle. I contacted with security person of the hotel, they took this situation very positively and made it sure that nothing will happen with the cycle and they will take care of it.

I left it in parking area and went for dinner, after having dinner I decided to check cycle in the parking area and what I saw over there – Cycle was not available. OMG, I contacted with security person, they told me that they kept my cycle infront of the security room under security camera.

Now I became satisfied and went to sleep. By this way I ended my day to cycle in Pune. My next plan is to cover bigger miles in Pune.

Keep reading my blog. Tomorrow I am planning to ride to some good destination in Pune, which I will publish in my next post.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Afghan Women's Cycling Team

Afghanistan - it has a 500 years old history, basically an Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It is mountain land locked country surrounded by South Asia and Central Asia. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. It has a population of approximately 32 million, making it the 42nd most populous country in the world.
Afghan Women and Women Cycling Team

Future of women of the Afghanistan is very uncertain. If we trust on a data available on

Many women die in pregnancy and childbirth: 460 deaths/100,000 live births (2010)
85% of women have no formal education and are illiterate.
Female 3rd level students as a % of Total:   18.0%
Total live births per woman –  average of 6
1 out 10 children die before their fifth birthday.
Life expectancy for women is 51.

The only good news is that that these statistics have substantially improved in the last few years. 

Best example of the improved status of women is an “Afghan Women’s cycling Team”.

Afghanistan Women’s cycling Team was formed in 1986

Afghan Women’s Cycling Team was originally formed in 1986, based in Kabul but was not together by Soviet and then Taliban rule. In 2011, Abdul Sediq, then the coach of the Afghan National Cycling Federation, encouraged his daughter to try the sport. He began to build a women’s cycling team. Earlier this team had 10 women but now number has been increased up to 40 women from Kabul.

To keep balance in religion and freedom team members do not wear standard cycling kit of tight-fitting spandex and wear pants, loose-fitting shirts, and hijabs beneath their helmets. This helps them to get unwanted attention during training rides.

These women are among the first to ride bikes in Afghanistan.

“This is about inspiring the next generation of girls in Afghanistan to follow their dreams, fight for equality, and gain independent mobility,” says Galpin, who volunteered as a coach back in 2012 and has helped connect the team with

American cycling companies willing to donate gear to the team.

Team participated in Asian Cycling Championships in Delhi, India and became the first Afghanistan women’s team to participate on the international level in 2013.

The team is very hopeful for the coming year; the women plan to participate in a series of training camps in U.S. and community events at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. It will help to observe the cycling events before heading to Rio De Janeiro in 2016 Summer Olympics.

A feature-length documentary, Afghan Cycles, set to be released in 2016, It tells the story of the team and its women, providing the full detail of the team growth.

Afghanistan’s National Women’s Cycling Team has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by members of the Italian parliament, according to Total Women’s Cycling.

Data Source:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cycle ride up to Airport - T3 Terminal, Delhi

T3 Terminal, International Airport

Gradually I was increasing my cycling ride distance, earlier I covered 25-30 km and then decided to increase. So I decided to visit T3. It was a grate dare for me to because up and down distance was around 40km. I started early in the morning, went on NH8 and set small goals, like Signature Tower, Iffco Chock, Ambiance Mall, Delhi Gurgaon Toll, IGI T3 Road.

Divide ride in small goals, gives courage that I am achieving my goals and what I have to achieve after this. 

I would like to tell you that this was my second attempt to reach T3 Terminal on my cycle. I tried earlier but due to dense fog I could not go beyond Ambiance mall. Visibility was totally zero. That day I was very disappointed with the weather because when I started my ride there was very less fog was there in Gurgaon but as I approached toward Delhi fog became dense and then I realised that it is unsafe to ride in such weather. That day I feel importance of tail lite in the cycle, which I did't bought till the time.

Anyways, leaving memories aside I was riding my cycle on NH8, this highway connects Delhi and Jaipur. This is a very busy highway, so I was riding very attentively but as soon as I took left from NH8 near Mahipalpur road and greenery surprised me. Roads was very clean and wide with very less commuters. Green plants were every where. Whether was little bit colder here. I saw some people doing jogging on the footpath. I stopped at some places to take some pics and then I reached near airport but I did't dare to take pics due to security reasons.

While return, I wanted to take pic with a flying aeroplane and cycle but I could not adjust the time as I had to take snap by my self. After cycling few kilometers I found some person standing and doing some chat. I stopped there and requested to take some pics, pics were nicely clicked but not with aeroplane. I enjoyed my ride. and after spending some time near T3 terminal (International Airport) I returned home.

Cycle Ride up to Ambiance Mall, Delhi

Ambiance Mall:

This is one of the largest shopping mall of the India with one kilometer shopping area on each floor.

Address :

Ambience Mall
Ambience Island, NH-8, Harjan Basti, Sector 17
122002 Gurgaon

This mall is specially known for iSKATE. It is located on sixth floor of the mall. Skating area is 15000 Sq Feet and was established on 18-Dec-11. 

This mall also include international and national brands, Seven screen multiplex cinema, restaurants, coffee shops, food court , fitness center, Beer garden and etc. This mall is having a capacity of 2500 car parking spaces.

My this ride was bigger than my first ride (around 25km), This time I though to ride on NH-8 as I have seen many cyclist on this route earlier. Road is straight so I was not bother about the route. I crossed Signature Tower, Iffcco Chock and then I had to tale a right turn under the bridge to reach Ambiance Mall but I missed that right cut from where I can reach easily to the mall. Now I had to take long "U" turn to return. I crossed Delhi Gurgaon toll, which is closed now and then after riding 2-3 km I got a underpass area, I got my breath by seeing the underpass that now I can return. By missing a right turn my ride was becoming longer and I just started so I was feeling tense because I was thinking that by the same way I have to return also. I reached Ambiance mall, spent some time outside of the mall. There were very few people over there but so many security guards were there to take care of the mall. A security guard guided me to stand my cycle in parking area but I had no plan to stay there for a longer time and mall was also closed [start time I think is after 10am but not sure] so I spend some time for rest took my first pics with cycle and I started collecting memories of my ride.